So you’re interested in starting a group in your area? We’re here to help! Connect with your area leader and make sure you meet the qualifications for leadership.
The following steps give you an idea of how a new group is started.
- Ideally Adventist Recovery begins when two people meet to share their vision concerning this Christ-centered 12-Step ministry. One person offers to meet each week in a sponsor-sponsoree relationship.
- When the core visioning team expands to three or four they then decide to offer meetings each week at a designated time and place.
- Taking the ARMin Global Journey to Wholeness training is fundamental for the success of this ministry. For training locations and dates here.
- It is important to present a proposal to the pastor and church board to use a meeting room at the church. Another possibility is to request a meeting room in your local hospital or other public meeting place.
- After receiving church approval, you may plan for a Congregational Recovery Awareness Day. This may include a 12-Step Sabbath School Lesson Study, Worship Service (invite your pastor or a guest to preach a Christ-centered recovery sermon), Fellowship Dinner, Workshop on “The 12 Steps”, “How the Program Works” or some related subject. Some churches like to conclude the Sabbath with a Victory Concert.
- Meetings to discuss your group’s business can be held just prior to or following your regular meetings. The business meetings will be held as needed (one or more times each month). Regular meeting facilitators, treasurer, secretary, literature person, along with other helpful positions – greeter, hospitality person, telephone chairperson, professionals and institutions coordinator, public information coordinator are selected at these meetings. These individuals are “trusted servants” who will rotate (six months, one year, two years) their responsibilities as best provides for the on-going needs of the group as revealed through the “group conscience.” Within the group all are equal. No one is there to govern or control, rather all are working together for their common good and recovery through Jesus Christ.
Several factors need to be taken into consideration when a church, school, hospital considers starting a recovery group.
- Taking the ARMin Global training is critical and fundamental.
- A basic understanding of the principles and practices is essential and this is presented at the ARMin Global training.
- Attendance and participation in an established twelve-step group such as: Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous is essential. -Experience working the “steps” with a sponsor will benefit the facilitator(s) and all who will form the core leadership team.
- Choose to work through the Journey to Wholeness set yourself first before starting a program. You may order one here.
Leadership training is available. Contact us or send a message to [email protected] if you are interested in starting a group and we will connect you with a coordinator or director near you.
Download our ARMin Global brochure today.