
Video and Media

TV Series and DVD

Unhooked, a Telly award winner show on Hope Channel, focuses on common addictions and unhealthy behaviors. It is also available in a DVD set with 10 DVDs. To learn more, please click here.


Facts with Hope
Facts with Hope are evidence-based health messages that may be used in a church bulletin, newsletter, or during the “Health Minute” as part of church service to motivate people to choose a full and abundant life.

For more information on Facts with Hope, visit the website, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter. You can also watch Facts with Hope videos on Youtube or order the Facts with Hope DVD Set from the Adventsource online store. Check out some of them below:

Brain Health




What is Mental Health?
Watch the video on our Mental Health Resources page.

Video Presentations

Breathe-Free 2
The Breathe-Free 2 webinar was developed as a part of the stop smoking program created by the Adventist Church. Watch part 1 of the webinar here.

Mental Health Talks | Addictions and Youth
The Youth Alive Mental Health Talks were developed during the Covid-19 pandemic to provide a space for conversations hosted by youth between adult mentors and young adults. The goal is to address issues experienced by youth struggling with mental health and addictive behaviors. Watch these helpful conversations on the Youth Alive Channel on youtube.